The Bronze Age Axe Collection

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"Old Europe" copper axe of the KGK VI complex.


Shaft-hole axe, Maikop culture, Maikop Type I


Shaft-hole axe, type Bányabükk (Carpathian)/Maikop Type II



(Yamna culture, 3300-2500 B.C.)

Shaft-hole axe, type Yamna. Replica of axe from Sakhcha, settlement site in Ulyanovsk region. Yamna-Poltavka culture. Weight: 980 gr. Length: 12.8 cm. Unalloyed copper, hardened edge.
Price: 2900,-NOK (Norwegian Kroner, shipping not included).
hafted: 4650,- NOK (Norwegian Kroner, shipping not included).


Shaft-hole axe, Royal tobs of Ur, Mesopotamia. Maxwell-Hyslop type 5-6 (click image for further information).
Price:3200,- NOK (Norwegian Kroner, shipping not included).
hafted :5100,- NOK (Norwegian Kroner, shipping not included)

Thebes (2055-1650 BC.)

Middle Kingdom crescentic axe, Thebes, Egypt. Low alloy (5% tin). Total width: 21,7 cm. Weight: 170 grams. Replica of original (British Museum EA67481).  (click image for further information)
Price: 2800,-NOK (Norwegian Kroner, shipping not included).
hafted (elm with rawhide bindings): 4900,-NOK (Norwegian Kroner, shipping not included).


Narrow flat lugged battle axe with facets, New Kingdom (18th Dynasty) Egypt.
Weight: ca. 420 grams. Lenght: 13.6 cm. Alloy: 10% tin. Replica of original (British Museum EA30068, unknown provenance, Egypt). (click image for further information)
Price: 2500,- NOK (Norwegian Kroner, shipping not included).
hafted (el/ash, with paited rawhide: 5200,- NOK (Norwegian Kroner, shipping not included).


Fenestrated axe, type "D-shape", Sichem. 2000 - 1900 BC. 12,6 cm x 7,7 cm. Weight: 240 grams. Alloy:13 % tin. Replica of original (München AS2913; H. W. Müller 1987: Die Waffenfund von Balata-Sichem). (click image for further information)
Price: 3200,- NOK (Norwegian Kroner, shipping not included).
hafted: 5100,- NOK (Norwegian Kroner, shipping not included).


Fenestrated axe, type "Duck-bill", Byblos. 1900-1750 BC. Length: 11,6 cm. Weight: 260 grams. Alloy: copper with 8% tin, 7% lead. Replica of original ("Field of offerings/Champ aux offrandes", Byblos; National Museum of Beirut no. 6270). (click image for further information)
Price: 2900,- NOK (Norwegian Kroner, shipping not included).
hafted: 5100,- NOK (Norwegian Kroner, shipping not included).




Narrow bladed shaft-hole axe (Miron type I), 1770 - BC. Length: 13 cm.


Price: 2900,- NOK (Norwegian Kroner, shipping not included).
hafted: 4900,- NOK (Norwegian Kroner, shipping not included).



Narrow bladed shaft-hole axe (Miron type II), MB IIA-IIB. Length: 15,6cm. Jericho, tomb 3.


Price: 2900,- NOK (Norwegian Kroner, shipping not included).
hafted:4900,- NOK (Norwegian Kroner, shipping not included).



Late Bronze Age shaft-hole axe, "open hand"/"spike-butted"-type, Beth Shean, Israel. Alloy: 10% tin. (click image for further information).
Price: 3300,- NOK (Norwegian Kroner, shipping not included).
hafted : 5300,- NOK (Norwegian Kroner, shipping not included).




Hittite Old Kingdom battle axe (type Firaktin). Replica of axe found at Old Kingdom capital Hattussa/Boğazköy. Lenght: 14 cm. (model image)


Disc-butted axe type A2. C. 1600 B.C. (model image)


Shaft-tube axe. C. 1600 B.C. (model image).


Crest-butted axe. C. 1600 B.C. (model image).


Nordic paalstave, battle axe. (click image for further information).


Price: 4200,- NOK (Norwegian Kroner, shipping not included).
hafted: 7500,- NOK (Norwegian Kroner, shipping not included).